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Accolades for BioInitiative Report 2007

accolade  [ak-uh-leyd, -lahd; ak-uh-leyd, -lahd]

Definition: strong praise, recognition of achievement
Synonyms: approval, award, badge, decoration, distinction, honor, kudos*, laurels

“thank you to this team of truly independent and world class scientists”

“voluminous report”

“unbiased information”

“our thanks and unstemmable admiration”

“well done!”

“stunning – congratulations from Glasgow, Scotland”

“dynamic report”


“incredible report”

“exhaustive analysis of decades of research”

“your document is a beauty, most impressive”

“I honor what you have done –”

“a mighty effort – a Declaration of Independence”

“massive and important undertaking”

“very thorough”

“excellent work at the BioInitiative”

“most impressive endeavor”

“invaluable resource”

“a thousand thanks and much gratitude”

“excellent report, clear statement”

“brilliant and urgently needed report, we are deeply grateful”

“thank you for your work, you are all true heros”