The Report still has the old chapters from BioInitiative 2007. You can find the new chapters by looking through the Table of Contents. The 2012 sections are added in a variety of ways, depending on the author and how they wanted to handle new material.
This information may help you to find what you are looking for:
- The 2012 new material is integrated under the old 2007 chapter headings (note the section numbers have changed because we have new and more chapters). Go to the Table of Contents, and click on a section. It will open and show you all the documents for 2007 and for 2012. You can download just the ones you want.
- Some 2012 chapters replace the old one entirely (a combined 2007-2012 document).
- Some 2012 chapters add new material in RED, to the body of the 2007 chapter (Chapter 13 is the only one like this).
- Some 2012 chapters are a supplement – a stand-alone chapter separate from, and following the original 2007 one (Chapters 5,6,7 and 8 are like this, for example, and may be done by new authors).
- There are all new topics in new chapters – topics not addressed in 2007. (Fertility/Reproduction; Fetal and Neonatal Effects, for example).