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You are here://RF Color Charts for Disrupted Immune Function
RF Color Charts for Disrupted Immune Function2020-04-08T07:39:17-08:00

The RF Color Charts for Disrupted Immune Function summarize studies reporting changes in immune cells (T-lymphocytes, natural killer cells, macrophages) and changes in cell membranes and repair. These effects occur at environmental levels of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation from wireless technology applications.    

Disrupting the immune system can mean either abnormally increased activity or decreased activity (suppressed immune function).  Disruption of immune system’s normal activity in either direction (upregulation or downregulation) on a chronic basis can be expected to result in tissue and organ damage, impaired immune capacity, loss of resilience and disease. 

Whether the exposure intensifies or suppresses immune function is immaterial because both result in increased stress as the body is eventually overloaded in dealing with such repetitive, indiscriminate provocations to homeostatic balance.

Disrupted Immune Function from Exposure to Low-Intensity Non-Ionizing Radiation (Radiofrequency Radiation) (PDF)

Reference List Studies Reporting Disrupted Immune Function from Exposure to Low Intensity Radiofrequency Radiation (Non-thermal) (PDF)